In the place,
where I learn
Sense of guilt

october, 2023

Sometimes at night,
I suddenly become sad -
only by looking to the moonlight

september, 2023

I left my skin at home
Take a bath - baptized by the shore
Tearing apart your pretty picture
I prefer seeing a ghost

september, 2023

Come with me, runaway from all this mess

( I can’t promise anything except to give myself whole heartedly )

Gonna live free -
with the soil under our feet
Breathe the same air as those big tree
And to love each other like the sun who give us the heat

september, 2023

In my wildest dream,

I hear the cotton speaks - 

about how lovely you are

september, 2023

I love her silently -

cause this world too crowded

For a people like me

august, 2023

And when nothing I could think of -

I begin to pray -  let us love, let use love

until no more words to explain,
until nothing left to be complaint

august, 2023

But time want us to be free

I promise to keep it cool, even it’s more than forty degree

Our seed will be safe under this big tree

And soon I will go over the sea

august, 2023

And she greet me with kisses

Gently touch - flesh to flesh

April, 2023

At the deepest

of your heart, I know

You feel it too

April, 2023

If I tell you -

I’m poisonous and mess,

would you love me still?

April, 2023

Another hangover,

another skin I barely know when I sober

Some went away before the sunset over

The rest, too pretty to not be a lover

august, 2021

In the night, when the light of
the room started to blur -
I found your wet lips -
tasted little bit of lipstick

august, 2021

with all this mess
Cigarette butt everywhere
And still spelling your name

June, 2021

Keep my tears
For our last candlelight dinner
And let all the part of my bones
Become your prayer

june, 2021

The lips that touch each other,
and the spit that make it wet
I just want to give you - the deep kiss
Your tongue spin
Like a roller coaster
You suck it hard - the lips
Come on darlin, make it more wild

november, 2018

I have a poem for you -
about your teeth
Your crooked teeth

I look at them always, while you speak
They sweet as honey -
mostly to say,
or sweet like your little brother sugar candy

oktober, 2018

Lot cups of glass
       hanging on the rack
The longneck, rounded, all of them transparent
But there’s one cup -
       different from the rest
The simplest, shortest, made of shiny brown

I pick it always -
       cause brown reminds me of my mom wedding gown
Other than that, I pick it always -
       cause you pick it too

september, 2018

I miss your perfume,
but smell of your flesh better

I miss chaos inside your bag,
but a mess in your hair enough for me

I miss golden ring in your middle finger,
but your dirty nails - I make a poem about it

I miss your ankle bracelet,
but seeing you barefoot make me smile

I miss tank top you wear when you sleep,
but your mango shaped breast gives such heaven to me

I never photographed it one by one
But it always there,
It still on the some place I can’t explain where it is,
but I know it by heart - what it is

august, 2018

I like your nails
Your dirty nails -
        you peel mango skin so badly
You’ve got that dirty, beauty mess
But just let it, please
Let it be dirty
       because all myself dirty
       because all myself pity

Can I jump there ?
I will swim in your dirty nails
I will swim there,
        eventhough it’s paranoia
But let me drown,
        let me collapse
So the only thing worth to remember -
       all this dirty moments

august, 2018

© Dana Wahyu Pradana
Bali, Indonesia